Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 2

President Obama Cairo Speech
President Obama begins his speech by addressing the issues between the American and Islamic people. There have been years of mistrust and tensions between Islam and the west. There have been conflict and religious wars. There are some Muslim violent extremists who have exploited the tensions between nations and that have bred fear and mistrust. It has promoted hatred and conflict which has become a cycle of suspicion by exploiting our differences.

However, the United States and Islam share common principles of justice, progress, tolerance, and equality of all human beings. The U.S. is founded upon the idea that all are created equal and we are shaped by every culture. America being shaped by every culture is dedicated to a simple concept: E. Pluribus Unum: “out of many, one”. Islam has paved the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment periods as well as creating important things such as algebra, printing, the compass, pathology, religious tolerance, and racial equality. Muslim culture has also created beautiful arches, spires, and calligraphy as well as lovely poetry and music. The U.S. embraces Islam’s and see there prevalence everywhere with over 7 million in America. America has 1200 mosques to allow worship and freedom of religion. It has been shown that Islamic people in the U.S. hold higher incomes and education levels than the average American.

We all want to live in peace and security, get an education and work with dignity, and love our families and God. Progress must be shared between nations and problems must be dealt with through partnership. The U.S. has partnered with countries to build schools, hospitals, and improve economies. America’s goal is to see diplomacy and international consensus on ideas. Obama believe to do unto other as we would have them do unto us- this transcends nations and peoples.

President Obama discussed dialogue with “we can turn dialogue into interfaith service, so bridges between peoples lead to action”. However, he also said that words alone cannot meet the needs of people so tolerance is essential for religion to thrive and for everyone to live together. Obama stated that faith should bring us together and from the Koran, “be conscious of God and speak always the truth; whoever kills an innocent is as if he killed all mankind”. The United States and Islam need a harmonious balance between tradition and progress.

Oprah Duke University Commencement Speech
Oprah Winfrey gave a commencement speech at Duke’s graduation in 2009. Oprah has been an important figure in the world of visual arts, drama, film, and literature. People listen and respect Oprah because of her influence over the mass media and popular culture, as well as her generosity and caring demeanor that she has exhibited over her 25 years on television.

Oprah made some very good points in her speech including the beginning where she said the best way to enhance your own life is to give to others. She stated that you haven’t completed the circle of success unless you can help someone else. She also said that we are responsible for the energy that we bring to where we are or what we do. At some point in life, something will be trying, but tell yourself “what good are you to anyone if you’re miserable”. Oprah also reminded everyone that you never know what kindness you offer today to someone, may live with them forever. My favorite line of her speech was near the end and she said “I am who I am because I trust my gut more than anyone else’s opinion”. I feel that those are definitely words to live by!

Classmates Review

1. Amanda thinks the west coast is more relaxed than the east coast.
2. Andrea (Andie) thinks the United States is too political and selfish.
3. Angelina (Angie) has already taken INDIS 4 online.
4. Benjamin (Ben) love to learn about other cultures.
5. Gavin is deaf and texts all the time instead of talking on the phone.
6. Justin lives 9.9 miles from campus.
7. Nicholas (Nick) plans to transfer to SSU.
8. Karen is a history major.
9. Nicole said this is the first time she has created a blog or webpage.
10. Robert grew up in San Francisco.

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